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The spray foam and termite dilemma

In Alabama, termites are a real problem. Homeowners rely on pest control to eradicate termites and protect their property from initial damage or further damage. When a homeowner thinks about pest control, odds are, he or she will not also think about insulation as being a problem. During an insulation installation, most are not thinking about termites or pest control. After all, these are two separate issues in the minds of a regular person. Insulation does, however, impact pest control and pest problems.

As a pest control business owner, however, you know how different insulation can affect your job. Spray foam insulation is not conducive to termite inspections. Here is how spray foam insulation creates a problem with pest control contracts between homeowners and businesses.

Spray foam and termite inspections

As an expert in pest control, you know the dangers of subterranean termites in the U.S. These termites cost homeowners billions of dollars every year due to the extensive damage they can cause. Inspection and termite control is crucial. Unfortunately, if a homeowner uses spray foam insulation, it can interfere with termite inspections.

The inspection is one of the most important parts of the entire process. Pest control cannot remove spray foam insulation to check for termites or other pests. The insulation can provide a hiding place for termites. Likewise, it can disguise the termite damage to the home. If you cannot detect termites, then you cannot possibly help a home that may have pest problems.

A press release by Georgia’s government urged homeowners to review their pest control contract. Spray foam insulation could void a binding agreement.

Pest control lawsuits

Pest control companies, because of misinformed homeowners, may face exposure claims. Lawsuits over pest-related claims are common. Most homeowners do not want to hear of any changes to their contracts. Pest control companies can protect themselves through appropriate contracts and regular contract reviews.