Providing Exceptional Legal Counsel
To Businesses And Individuals

Premises Liability Defense

At Slaten Law, P.C., our Montgomery premises liability defense lawyers provide diligent and cost-effective legal representation to insured and self-insured property owners in Alabama and nationwide. The following are just a few examples of the types of cases we handle in this area:

  • Slip-and-fall claims: Our attorneys are frequently called upon to defend shopping malls, supermarkets, retail stores, restaurants, and other commercial and residential property owners against slip-and-fall claims, trip-and-fall claims and other accidental injury claims.
  • Violent crime claims: If your business is facing a personal injury or wrongful death claim arising out of an assault, robbery or sexual assault that is alleged to have occurred on your premises, our attorneys can explain your options and defend you against the lawsuit.
  • Bed bug claims: As an outgrowth of our firm’s niche pest control litigation practice, we have gained extensive experience defending hotels, motels, multifamily housing providers and other property owners against claims arising from bed bug infestations.
  • Disability claims: Our firm represents clients who have been sued for alleged violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), including inadequate ramps and elevators.

In addition to defending clients against premises liability claims, our firm advises commercial and residential property owners on strategies for reducing risks associated with their premises. We are committed to using the insights we have gained through litigation to protect our clients’ bottom lines.

Skilled Defense Against Premises Liability Claims

Whether your business is facing a personal injury lawsuit or any other premises liability claim, our attorneys at Slaten Law, P.C., can help you seek effective solutions. To schedule a consultation, please contact us at our offices in Montgomery at 334-328-3894 or by email.